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Child CPR & Home Emergency 4.0- Mandarin
April 28, 2024
Child CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and home emergency preparedness are important skills for parents, guardians, and anyone who cares for children. Knowing what to do in an emergency situation can help save a child’s life. The course will teach you how to respond to emergencies such as choking, burns, cuts and etc.
儿童 CPR(心肺复苏)和家庭应急准备是父母、监护人和任何照顾儿童的人需知道的知识。 知道在紧急情况下该怎么做可以帮助挽救孩子的生命。 本课程将教您如何应对窒息、烧伤、割伤等紧急情况。
*This is a hands-on class that explains the basics of first aid for infants and children.* *这是一个实践课程,解释婴儿和儿童急救的基础知识。*
Who Should Attend 谁应该参加:
Parents and Caregivers 父母和照顾者
Date & Time 时间:
28/4/2024 (Sunday), 9 am – 12 pm
Fees 费用:
RM80 一位(免费RM80的现金礼卷)
Instructor 讲师:
Dr. Fua
Language 语言:
The class will be conducted in Mandarin 课程将以普通话进行
Location 地点:
CT Woman & Child Specialist Clinic (Level Ground)